In Our Hands Rescue Foster Contract

In the case of fostering, the person(s) agreeing to foster an animal (the foster family) will follow all relevant procedures and guidelines regarding the animal as stated in the IOHR Foster Contract. If the animal cannot be kept any longer by the foster family, the foster family shall notify an IOHR Rescue Coordinator immediately. The animal shall not be sold, abandoned, relinquished to a pound or shelter or to a Rescue group other than IOHR, transferred, or given to any individual, or to any retail or wholesale establishment. We appreciate your desire to help In Our Hands Rescue by fostering one of our adoptable pets, but in order to ensure the safety of your foster we ask that you review and sign the following terms and conditions.


  1. If for any reason you have to return your foster you must return him/her to a IOHR representative. If it is past 6PM on a weekday or 4PM on a weekend you must be prepared to keep your foster until at least the next day when a representative is available. We can not always guarantee immediate transport! We also ask for a 2 week window for long term fosters except in the case of an emergency or a previously agreed upon ending date.

  2. Puppy fosters must comply with ALL terms set forth at time of pickup. I.E if the puppy is LESS THAN 3 months, or DOESN'T have all 3 rounds of shots, the puppy CANNOT go outside. It is detrimental to the puppy's health that the guidelines are followed, fosters will be responsible for any vet bills resulting from a puppy being allowed outside.

  3. IOHR must approve all adoptions; you are not to give your foster animal to anyone without the approval of an IOHR representative.

  4. Foster dogs are to be kept ON LEASH AT ALL TIMES!! There are no exceptions.

  5. If you must take your foster to the vet you must take them to an IOHR vet by contacting an IOHR representative. (unless it is an emergency). THERE WILL BE NO REIMBURSEMENT FOR VET BILLS PAID FOR BY YOU WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FROM IOHR.

  6. In signing this foster agreement with IOHR, I declare that I am aware that: animals are different from human beings in their responses to human actions; the actions of animals are often unpredictable; children and animals must be closely supervised when interacting; an animal’s behavior may change after it leaves the shelter and accustoms itself to its new environment.

  7. I am aware that the educated opinions of the shelter staff do not constitute a claim or guarantee as to the temperament, health or mental disposition of any animal available for foster or adoption.

  8. I hereby accept possession, legal guardianship and responsibility for the animal I am fostering for the duration of the foster time and discharge IOHR forever from liability for any injury or damage to any person or property caused by said animal, and from any causes of action, claims, suits, or demands whatsoever that may arise as a result of such injury or damages.

  9. If a pet is placed with me, it will reside in my home as a pet. I agree to provide the dog with adequate food, water, shelter, affection and assisting in adoption. IOHR can reimburse for pre-approved expenses (with reciept).

  10. IOHR holds the right to terminate any foster relationship for any reason at any time granting IOHR immediate ownership and return of any and all foster animals.

  11. All of the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.